Arnulf Kristian Myklebust教授简介

Myklebust教授是挪威东南大学(University of South-Eeastern Norway)视眼视光与视觉科学系副教授,是小儿视觉康复领域的专家,目前负责该学系的教务工作。

Myklebust教授在1994年创建了“Holmlia Optometry”,这是挪威的第一个“视觉诊所”,重点开展视觉功能诊断和视觉康复服务业务。他的患者来自于挪威全国各地,也来自欧洲其他国家。


Dr. Myklebust founded Holmlia Optometri in 1994. This was the first practice in Norway registered as a “Vision clinic”, and the emphasis was on visual function and rehabilitation. Myklebust have seen patients from all over the country as well as a few from abroad in this practice, and is still practicing low vision care there on a monthly basis.

Due to his experience with visual rehabilitation and functional vision problems in children, he was requested to join the multidisciplinary visual assessment team at Huseby Resource Centre in Oslo in 2000. Together with the most competent pediatric ophthalmologists, neuro-psychologists, physical therapists, nurses and low-vision teachers in the country, he examined and diagnosed the most complicated cases on a national level. Particularly, he was recognized for his ability to assess and explain visual function problems, cerebral visual impairment (CVI) and psychogenic visual loss. Huseby is now altered to Statped Southeast, Dept. of Visual Impairment, and continues to provide services to ensure that children and adults have the best possible visual resources for education In Norway.

The background from Huseby/Statped was decisive when he in 2017, in competition with experienced academics from several other countries in Europe, was awarded the position of Associate Professor at the University College of Southeast Norway, currently the University of South-Eastern Norway (USN). The position requires teaching and supervising at all levels of the institute’s programs, using online tools and digital media. Moreover, to contribute to the development of interdisciplinary collaboration within the field of visual rehabilitation through research and competence building within the field of practice.